Pre-Primary Program: Ages 2-3
Our program is designed and offered as a 5-day full-time or 5-day part-time program. Limited part-time spaces available.
The child at this age is like a “sponge” absorbing knowledge from the world in which he lives. This period is the most critical since the greatest changes take place at this stage in life.​ The classroom is set up to facilitate this natural growth and development. It is designed to foster independence and self-discovery. Equipped with age-appropriate learning materials and child-sized furniture makes the entire room enticing and easily accessible to the child.
The Guides in our Pre-Primary classroom are committed to establishing a sense of trust and security between adult and child. The goal is that each child moves toward independence. Rather than control activities and attempt to train, the Guides offer assistance as the child’s natural abilities manifest.
Characteristics of a Pre-Primary Child:​
The innate desire for independence –“Help me to help myself
Focus is on movement, language, and the development of the senses
Desire to understand and find their place in their community
Goals of the Pre-Primary Program
Help the children develop:
Sense of order
Language skills
Fine motor coordination
Gross motor coordination
Self-care skills
Socialization skills
Practical Life
Cultural Studies
Foreign Language